Life and Death
I have often thought and pondered over a simple connection we make with people, places and events that leave us connected forever. Some believe it is destiny while others term it ‘Karma’ or actions that shape our future. Is it the present or the past that determines our life or death?
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The life movie |
De Javu We often
come across instances that seem to us to have happened before. It could be
people who you seem to have met before, it could be places that you are
visiting for the first time in this life but seem to be so familiar or events
that seem to have happened before. In those times, you are compelled to stretch
your imagination back into time, scratching our heads to figure out when it
could have happened?
The theory
of Entropy suggests that the forces of the Universe tend to get more disordered
with passage of time. It also means that time moves forward. According to
Steven Carlip of the University of California at Davis, Universe was
exceptionally ordered at the beginning. However new theories suggest that time
need not flow in one direction. It is now being suggested that after the Big
Bang, a parallel universe like that of ours was created flowing in the opposite
direction to one of ours. In the Physical Review Letters according to Julian
Barbour, Tim Koslowski and Flavio Mercanti, it is now being established that we
see only see half of the universe.
The theory
of life and death is a reality before us. Keeping in mind the fact that perhaps
in all the religions and cultures across the world it is believed that upon
birth, a being enters this universe and on death it crosses over to the other
side. Does this crossing over means travel to the other universe? A universe
that is a mirror reflection of ours and has a time zone that runs in the
opposite direction?
I am not a
Physicist but perhaps all theories of Physics would hold true with time moving
forwards or backwards. No one engaged in the study of space science would say
that universe is spherical. However keeping the basic science in mind, we can
with certainty say that Earth and all the planets and stars we keep on
discovering turn out to be spheres. This lets me imagine and cut the universe
into two parts of a big sphere. One part is the universe where we exist and
moves forward. A zone where the our clocks move forward. Imagine another sphere
where the time moves backward. The point where our Earthly clocks stops (with
the logic that the body dies at the point) imagine another clock starting off
in the opposite direction, we tread into the next time zone or the other
Universe. Thus keeping in mind the theory of entropy in mind, we can say that
from that point we once begin a journey of life backwards in the other world. A
world or universe that we have not travelled.
Keeping in
view the current theories the world would be disorganized on the other side of the
universe but that zone has the time moving backwards. On Earth the moment a
baby is born, our system measures his growth in terms of time spent on Earth.
Thus from few minutes the child grows into old. Biology proves that while cells
of our body multiply it also dies each moment. Thus we say that our body is
dying each moment. As we grow older and die, the physical cells decay and die.
However we have not developed a system so far that measures the age of our
The Life
the theory imagine life of person through a running video. The moment he is
born to the moment he dies. If we replay the video backwards we would see a
different picture of the whole sequence, a sequence where the physical clock
moves backwards. Imagine a person who knows you since childhood, if he/she is
shown the video of the person running backwards, the trail of events would
trigger a story line that seems familiar. If the same video (running backwards)
is shown to a stranger, his mind would show him a story in a different light.
Though the primary character in the video is same, perception of the story line
would be different in both cases. This example can be stretched to an
imagination where you see a video of a movie running backwards, can you make
out a story line after watching the full movie? Well, this example does not end
here. The movie, I mention here is just half part of the universe, our side
what about the other side? Theoretically there is perhaps a parallel universe
where all the people, events and happening exist but the entire process is
running in a reversed order. Conceptualizing from that perspective, we on Earth
are yet to be born and moving towards a state of birth. What we consider birth,
is in real terms a shift backwards in a different dimension. The moot point
here is, are spirits, souls and the mystical, mediums that teleport us back and
forth in time, traversing between these two universes?
Keeping this
in mind if we proceed on a trail of imagination, we can infer that our bodies
and souls are distinct identities that are ordained to perform specific
functions. While our physical bodies have evolved over centuries to make us
reach its optimum level, our soul act as our conscience keepers and handle
higher functions of thought, emotions and cognitive evaluation. In many
religions and cultures it is believed that while a human body is destructible,
human souls are ageless. If we once again draw out an imaginary scale and place
it at the focal point of a sphere it would have the negative and positive axis:
See Image
In the above
diagram section A represents our universe and section B represents the other
universe where in A, time moves forward and in B time travels in the opposite
direction. The x axis in the diagram is divided up in two distinct parts in one
section a human being takes birth and grows old, on the same axis on the
reverse side he starts the journey as old and takes birth. The whole process is
oscillatory where our soul has the capacity to travel back and forth, while on
section A (Earth) the process is conscious and and in the section B (it is
unconscious). The two universes are shaded in a worm hole of sorts that is
penetrable and accessed by the evolved ones.
The human
Genome project
We find that
on Earth many humans are considered evolved. While different geographical,
cultural and spiritual traditions exist at various places, the color of skin,
hair, languages and ethnic diversities differentiate the physical self of human
beings. Strikingly though the emotional and soul connections are similar across
Earth. A human genographic project was undertaken by National Geographic
Society and IBM which was a multi year anthropology to map the historical
migration patterns through collection and analysis of DNA samples from
thousands of people across the world. The markers to identify unique connection
across continents and countries ensued. The project that started in 2005 ended
towards 2012 when a new genotyping array was announced and dedicated to Genetic
Anthropology called the Genochip that could test SNPs from atutosomal DNA, X
chromosome DNA, Y-chromosome DNA and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The point of
mentioning the above initiative here is the results of the entire project
somehow provided indicators that various ethnic and regional markers were
indicative of a common connect between the human race over centuries.
Keeping view
the big bang theory once again and the story of evolution, I once again take
you back to the diagram indicating the x and y axis. The sphere once spliced up
when imagined as two variant time segments where on the left side of x axis
time moved forward and on the right side of x axis time moves backward would
some day meet one point that could perhaps be at an individual level completion
of the travel of his life. In terms of galaxies the time span of each
individual may be different from each other but if in the event of the human
race getting wiped off from the face of earth there would be other forms that
would carry forward their individual journeys that may or may not be mapped by
human intelligence as of now.
Cosmos and
paranormal connect
Every human
being and living organism on Earth is blessed with unique sense, intelligence
and emotional mechanisms to understand and comprehend life. However, some
individuals understand and feel a higher connection in their daily lives.
Though some degree of divine element is existent in each object and life form
the degree and level of the same is generally understood and interpreted by us
a aura. Today mechanisms are available through which aura of individuals and
geopathic stress of a geographic region can be identified. What can we infer
from this? The point to be noted is that there are individuals on Earth today
who can feel a divine connect with the cosmos and communicate with it to feel
and understand a higher element missing from the bodies and minds of other
individuals. Going back to the illustration, does this mean that such
individuals touch their mirror reflections of self and others to reach back the
present time zone to be able to feel and understand finer aspects of human
It is said
we are a reflection of ourselves. This means we live in a parallel world in the
other universe and are in real terms connected with it all times. The day our
journeys reach point ‘0’ of the illustration our lives on Earth end and reach
the point ‘0’ Zero on the time line of the illustration.
connects happens at extreme or higher levels of human existence when an
individual passes on to other mediums and spheres of the galaxy. This can
happen in a real or transient state. It has been proved that black holes and
worm holes dot our galaxy, there could be points in space where the worm holes
exactly take us to our reflective galaxy where we are travelling in the reverse
time line? On this assumption our galaxy is reflecting the exact events in a
reverse order in the other galaxy. Individuals with the cosmic connect who are
able to the point ‘Zero’ on Earth through their mystic musings cutting across
religious, cultural or physical barriers perhaps have a mapped route through
the black holes or worm holes to reach the other side and search for answers to
unanswered questions on this galaxy meaning Earth.
individuals perhaps also have the capability to touch and change lives of other
individuals on Earth through their unique ability. Imagine an individual who
can such a travel being able to see a ‘Video’ I mentioned about from the other
Universe reaching the point zero! He in theory can see a snap shot of the whole
movie of life of an individual or universe. For example on Earth if snapshots
of a movie of a child at birth to his old age say 80 yrs and death at that age
is documented and seen again, the movie would run through 80 years of Earth
time but imagine a system where in the other universe the movie is running in
the reverse direction but for someone from Earth it would be like seeing the
future at point ‘Zero’, he also perhaps has markers and route maps of black
holes or worm holes through with his mind waves travel in inertia and get back
the required information in an extremely short time span. This exactly could be
termed as the divine connect.
I have often
thought and pondered over the simple connection we make with people, places and
events. Some believe it is destiny while others term it ‘Karma’ or actions that
shape our future. I feel in broader terms imagining the point of dual galaxies,
we perhaps do those actions that we are destined to do. This encapsulates both
action and destiny. In recent times networking especially through internet and
related mediums are enabling us to connect with larger group of individuals
across diverse spectrums, time zones and continents on Earth. Have you ever
wondered how we get attracted to certain individuals and connect with them or
how we repel certain others? Facebook is one of best real time examples that
can simplify the question. We come across hundreds of faces and send friend
requests or receive many depending upon the facebook picture that is posted. An
attractive face or body is sure of attracting wide attention and interest but
the interest is not sustainable. Connects depends upon interests, hobbies,
activities etc.
Part II (to
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