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Showing posts from November, 2017
Thinking of Him About the film by jpkallikkal [Thinking of Him has been chosen to be the closing film of IFFI 2017 and would have its World Premiere at the Festival] Thinking of Him is a film that transcends boundaries of time and integrates stories of the present with that of the past.  The film cascading between two different chronological periods, one set in the 1920’s and the other, in the present, unveils an intimate yet platonic connection between Argentinian feminine writer and cultural activist Victoria Ocampo and Indian Poet, thinker and Nobel laureate Rabindra Nath Tagore. The central theme of the film revolves round Argentinian feminist writer and cultural activist Victoria Ocampo hosting Rabindra Nath Tagore in Argentina in 1924.  A deep platonic bond develops between the two and thereafter Victoria becomes a distant muse of Tagore which finds reflection in a book that Felix, a Geography teacher stumbles upon at a detention centre.  Th...