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Showing posts from 2011

LIGHT A WAY..(the B&W challenge…Light Series) 19/7/2011:22:10 B L A C K C A L B | W H I T E T I H W jpkallikkal©2011

K indling desires enshrined in magic J aded night encumbered disguised A mbers of ache submerged insipid A mbling heart unheard unfeigned R iveting passions ensconced in practice Y outhful catharsis ever disguised E ffigies of past dodgy and dreary A ppealing peace surreal - denied N omadic passions unwinding ivy of poison P retentious warnings unspoken unsigned K inetic zealots thrusting spinning R ivulets of storm unbridled, un-timed H eartless illogic so deafening A cidic turpitude unspoken - un-fined A nother doomsday in darkness K isses of ecstatic joy denied? W illowing magic decreed stillness A cerbic mind submerged, sublimed A erobic beats of a heart restless S ilently bruised, bleeding, so mimed J uxtapositions needles of timeless...

LIGHT A WAY..(the B&W challenge…Light Series) by Jaya Prakash Monday, July 18, 2011 at 8:00am

Light a way Oh breath! Let the phantoms fly Black cloaked daggers Pumping pain insane Light a way Oh stealth! Let a spirit smile Ebony foams of fancy Pensive pale so dried Light a way Oh wealth! Mountains of desire Melt away the dread Oozing fountains so mired Light a way Oh Birth! Let me cry again Spirited white lotus Let it smile again Light a way my death Let it ignite again Passions of hidden glories Burn it bright again!

All Alone

That day I was in a room closed Left alone to watch the movements outside my world A world Noisy, active and wild My heart leaped out leaving behind my body My spirit drifted away from me trying to catch the action Outside Then a ruffle I was back to my own Self Still sitting by the window All alone.


Fashion as a word has derived from the Latin word ‘facere’ that means “to make.” This exclusive word has today transgressed the boundaries of space, geographical barriers, languages and cultures. It is said, ‘Whatever is favored at a given time by those who are regarded as up-to-date is fashion’. But there is no denying the fact that it is a language universally experienced not just by the youth but acknowledged across all age brackets. If the stone-age man dressed up in tree barks and leaves, the trend changed and the crude garments of pre-history paved way to structured styles of the ancient times. The solemn styles of the Middle ages now transformed into exotic and fanciful fashion trends. The rapid changes due to globalization, advanced technology, market studies and communication are affecting the way our society perceives fashion and uses it. It has been established that design belongs to a transient moment in history dwelling upon a continuous socio-cultural and economic e...

Touch of the Countryside

Touch of the Countryside - Coyalmannam Kerala has always been a big draw with tourists from around the globe. In fact it is one of the most favored state tourist destinations in India. A geographic piece of land said to have been carved out of the axe of ‘Parashurama’ this God’s own country has the capacity to charge a tired soul wishing for a ‘time out’ from the din and noise of a big city. ‘Coyalmannam’is one such distinct destination located in the district of Palakkad. About 14 kms away from the city, this ‘granary of the south’ is still abound with vast stretches of paddy fields edged with coconut plantations. The name ‘Coyalmannam’ literally translates into ‘a place where Lord Krishna walked slowly holding his flute’, no wonder ‘Coyalmannam’ has its very own ‘Maruthur Krishna temple’ revered for its spiritual ethos etched in the sands of time. A serene and ambient locale, the place is replete with signs of rich religious and cultural heritage. Azhakath Shiva Temple, Vadakun...