Why are you drinking? Asked society So that I may forget, replied the tippler Forget what? Inquired the society Forget that I am ashamed, confessed the tippler Ashamed of what? Ashamed of failing to fetch an e-token! Corona besides casting its web on business and industry has also de-railed the survival plans of society. The section that is now a harassed lot is the drinking community. Each state in India is locked down and the systematic closure of shops and establishments has also resulted in closure of liquor vends. Whether it is beer, wine or IMFL, entire chain of stores have been closed down for over a month. No reasons have been assigned for such a closure. State Governments that are already pushed to the edge, making arrangements for C19 evacuation and rescue plans for its citizens are finding themselves further starved of revenue accruing out of sale of liquor. States such as Kerala that heavily rely on the liquor e...
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