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Indian Panorama Film Festival 2019

Indian Panorama Film Festival 2019
(Indian Panorama Section Films of 2018)

Directorate of Film Festivals, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India is holding public screenings of Indian Panorama section of 2018 films at Siri Fort Auditorium between 4th and 13th January, 2019 at Siri Fort Auditorum, New Delhi.

Inaugural ceremony shall be held on Friday 4th January, 2019 at 5.30 pm at Siri Fort Auditorium which shall have screening of Aditya Suhas Jambhale directed Non-feature film Kharvasi (Marathi 38 mts.) and Shaji N Karun directed Feature Film Olu (Malayalam 109 mts.).

Tentative Schedule

4 January, 2019 (Friday): Day: 01

Opening Film at Indian Panorama: Shaji N Karun's Olu (ഓള് )

5 January 2019 (Saturday): Day 02

11:00 am Padmaavat (Director: Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Hindi: Duration:165 mts.),
2.30 pm: Pamphlet/Poomaram (Abid Shine)(Malayalam: 106 mts.) , 
5.30 pm:Aai Shappath/Walking with the wind

6 January 2019 (Saturday): Day 03

11:00 am : Monitor/Raazi (Meghna Gulzar: 140 mts.),
2.30 pm: Burning/Makkana (Raheem Khader)(Malayalam), 
5.30 pm: Na Bole Woh Haram/To Let (Tamil):99 mts.

7 January, 2019: Day 04

111:00 am:: Nani Teri Morni/October (S. Sarkar) (Hindi),
2.30 pm::, Pariyerum Perumal BA, BL (Mari Selvaraj)(Tamil), 
5.30 pm:: Malai/Bhayanakam (Jairaj) (Malayalam): 123 mts.

8 January, 2019 (Day 05)

11.00am: Bhar Dupari/Aamhi Doghi (Pratima Joshi/Marathi),
2.30pm (Silent Scream/Sinjar (Pampilly/Jasari: 11 mts.),
5.30 (Gyamo Queen of the Mountains/Baaram (K. Priya/Tamil)

9 January, 2019 (Day 06)

11:00 am: Sword of Liberty/Bunkar the last of varanasi weavers,
2.30 pm (Decoding Shankar/Paddayi)
5.30 pm: The world's most famous Tiger/Uronchondi

10 January, 2019 (Day 07)

11:00 am: Naach Bhikari Naach/Bhor,
2.30 pm: Sudani From Nigeria (Malayalam)
5.30 pm: Yes I am Mauli /Nagarkirtan

11 January, 2019 (Day 08)

11:00am: Midnight Run/Perambu (Tamil: 148 mts.)
2.30 pm: Sampurak/SA
5.30 pm: Laasyam/Dhappa

12 January, 2019 (Day 09)

11:00 am: Happy Birthday/Ee Maa Yove (Malayalam: 120 mts.)
2.30pm: Abyakto ((Bengali: 86 mts.)
5.30 pm: Mahanati (Telugu: 176 mts.)

13 January, 2019 (Day 10)

11:00 am: Uma (Bengali: 148 mts.)
2.30 pm: Tiger Zinda Hei ((Hindi: 161 mts.)


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